Polyrytmi etc.

torstaina, toukokuuta 14, 2009

k. d. lang - Sweet Little Cherokee

As a twenty-year-old person, I... I find it very hard to dream, to be naive and free-spirited and let the world fuck you, after reading texts like this. Because what Nathan does here isn't anything new: he basically says that everybody is a fuck-up in this part of his life, and in the same way, although everybody wants to be seen as a risk-taker, as a person that doesn't follow the stream. And then he tries to say, that one shouldn't listen to him, but make one's own mistakes, etc.

Why should I do so, when I can instead learn by reading about millions of people who today in the western world have just experienced the same basic things? I understand, it's part of life, and it's not something you shouldn't enjoy if you can: I'm fairly certain that you shall lead a happy life this way.

I don't have any desire to make the same mistakes that everybody makes. What does that entail? Minimal social life, minimal contact with other people, minimal sense of purpose, minimal reason to do things. (You see why these kinds of oratoriums end in trying to re-affirm the meaningfulness of being young.) 20 years, and my life is already over. I try and do stupid things, but I'm not brave enough. I don't think that I have anything to gain.

Maybe I will like myself better after twent years more. When I can allow myself to progress to that plane of misanthropy where I shall meet Mr. Rabin and all of my dear, dear friends, once again.

Paras vastaus:

Kid, I can only offer these pithy words of advice: try to get laid. No, really. That sounds like a glib dismissal, but I am quite serious. The only things worth learning at that age, good and bad alike, can be learned by doing your damnedest to get some ass. You don't necessarily have to do a wealth of things that make you uncomfortable, but it will take you just far enough outside your comfort zone to prove worthwhile.

If you succeed, you get ass. And ass...is good. And if you don't...well, you will almost certainly learn something from the experience that will benefit you for many years to come. And unlike just sitting around being a fuck-off with a bunch of other similarly awkward people in a common room somewhere, it won't make you feel like a total failure. You just sort of think, "Hmmm. Well that didn't work at all", and move on to the next one. And lest anyone think of it as an empty, trivial pursuit, remember: if you score, it's a damned sight more personally fulfilling and, possibly, advantageous for the species as a whole than locking yourself in a small dark room and listening to Pavement all fucking night.

All it takes is one, *one* unexpectedly wonderful human connection to make you feel a thousand times better about yourself, and about humanity as a whole. And if he/she turns out to be a psycho, fuck 'em, because they will be but one of literally billions upon billions of possibilities. Enjoy your youth, grasshopper. You'll miss it when it's gone, believe me.

Toinen samankaltainen:

risin, could you please extend that age limit to 28. I'm 28 and I want things to start getting good again real quick.

And yeah, I think the very fact that you're confused about this subject means that you'll turn out pretty well once you figure it out. It isn't quite as simple as Captain Ron puts it, but by "gettin' laid" he means put yourself out there. Your experiences as a confused 20-year old may not be unique in the scheme of things, but by experiencing you gain more confidence in your place in the world. Having that trust in yourself and the world will lead to experiences you can't even imagine yet.

I know a kid - 18 years old and just graduated from High School who has decided to put it all on the line and hang out with Improv groups in my town. The kid is pretty damn raw but I tell you he gets nothing but respect from the improvisers in their 20's and 30's. By the time he's 30 the kid'll probably own the planet.

Eräs lisähuomautus ensimmäiseen vastaukseen:

I also endorse the Captain's line with slight modification. Somewhere out there is someone you will find really cool and hot. Try to find him or her- you may end up finding them totally uninteresting after three months but those three months will be pretty cool. And even if it ends up being unrequited, it will inspire you to do stupid and adventurous stuff or at least get in better shape as you burn off your sexual frustration.

Irtolaineja lopuista:

Is [Cane] the girl from "Graveyard Girl"?

I've been to some Improv shows...those people aren't owning anything.

It's hard to suddenly go from partying all the time in an awesome college town to working all week as a receptionist, hanging out all night and weekend with your cats, and trying to mentally prepare yourself for the fact that a human being is growing inside your fucking abdomen that you will be completely responsible for. Post college life is a big fucking reality check.

if we could all get stronger and more vigorous with age, straight Benjamin Button style, we might be in a position to enjoy our bodies a little more.

Jesus Christ is everyone on this site trying to make it as a comedian?

Ja sitten minä pohdin että olisiko tällaisen copy-pasteemisen jälkeen mahdollista jäljittää. En usko. Toiseen suuntaan ehkä, ehkä ei. No, älä panikoi. Huomenna Crash, The. Kaveri soitti, oli unohtanut ostaa mulle lipun, että jos voisin ostaa itse, kerta hänellä ei ole accessia verkkopankkiin. Ei saa itseään tuntemaan erityisen tervetulleeksi se. Hyvin se menee.

(Ja haluan kuitenkin muistaa tämän. Haluan muistaa niin harvoja asioita.)

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